Andrew! So Excited. PR by 2
minutes, and I'm 51 years old!
(2:48 marathon!)
This is a treasure trove of knowledge and mastery of explaining how to apply principles to life and running.
Ridiculous! Seriously in the best way! Life-changing information.
Make a way to learn from Run Elite!
Amalia Matre
10k, Half Marathoner
Training makes so much sense now! Run Elite explains why progressive overload doesn't work. This structured training makes it all come together.
It's like a light bulb went off! Thank you for the details, analytics, and for being so specific! I am a geek and love hearing stuff like that.
Gene Johnson, 62
Ultra Runner
Before this program I had never run more than a half marathon. In the last 6 months I ran 40 miles in a single training run, I raced the JFK 50 miler! And I smashed 12 minutes off of my local 50K course record for Masters runners!
I'm 62 years old, and when I race, my mind is set on winning the race, not my age group!
Paris Alvey
Half Marathoner, Marathoner
The part on nutrition... BEST thing I've done for myself lately. I've lost 8 pounds already with just small changes. Feeling Awesome!
Brian Pleat
Marathoner, Ultramarathoner
I PR'd my marathon time by 3 minutes, ran my second fastest 50 K and 50 miler, and PR'd my 100K by 1:20 all WITHIN my new 100 mile PR! Where I set a best time by three hours!
I've had this goal to do Boston for a while and had kind of put it on the back burner. I've been elated all week!
The motivation came in seeing an immediate impact in my running and recovery. This system was empowering! I'm excited to continue setting goals and pushing to the next level - It's not done!
Brett took 55 minutes off
of his marathon
in just 9 weeks.
(Qualifying for Boston and getting a huge PR at 3:03!)
Brett Thomas
I just PR'd my half marathon! Andrew's program had me working my a$$ off. I've changed how I train and the way I think about training.
If anyone is struggling with training or has any reservations about their running, I would highly encourage you to get on board with
Andrew as your coach!
Eric took 13 minutes off of his 1/2 marathon in 3 months. Taking 8 mins off in training, and an another 5 during the race. (He wasn't a slouch when he began, already an accomplished Ironman)
Eric Linn
I'm so grateful I came across Run Elite. It has been changing my life in all areas. I beat my 21 year old self today, 21 years ago I ran the same race in 3:21.
I'm 42 now and even faster! This has been the book I was dying to read! Thank you Andrew.
Marilyn took 25 minutes off of her marathon in 2 months. (She wasn't a slouch either! Running 3:15.)
Marilyn Tarkalson
Wow! I loved the section on downhill running. I followed this approach and felt really strong and
got my BQ!
Andrew, you know how to spin it into a positive result, no matter what I thought was holding me back. I feel so blessed. I'm so grateful running led me to you and all Run Elite has taught me. Thank you!
Karen continues to BQ year after year, often multiple times in a year, and she is in her 60s! She'll run her 9th Boston Marathon next year.
Karen Gordon
Rachel Narel
After just one month of implementing this training I had the best experience running the London marathon. I’m convinced it’s from this program.
It completely changed my approach to training for the long term, and I ran a PR just one month later. I knew when I got up on Sunday that I was on the verge on something great.
This book helped me focus on my why. It wasn’t just about the race, it was about life. There’s stability and adaptability in this program.
Michelle Carrasco
Marathoner, Trail Runner
Last Saturday I completed my most difficult and longest race to date, the formidable 50K.
The diet hack techniques for race day helped so much. Thanks Coach Andrew!
Lacey Smith
Ultramarathoner, Triathalete
This year alone I accomplished things I never thought I would - PRs in the 1 mile, 5K, 10K, half, and 15K... And I was only training for a 55K! If I can do that much in a year, imagine what you can do.
I just can't express how much Run Elite has helped me, and how it changed my mindset.
The biggest thing I found was that my fear of failure was coming up in my running and my relationships, and oh boy, has that changed. I did THIS! And I have even more inside me. I can't wait to do another training cycle.
Yna Davis
Editor, Book
Publishing Professional
This is seriously one of the best conclusions I've ever read. Really, really well done!
Trevor Mimano
US Army
As of 30 minutes ago... I just ran the best time I've ever run for my 2-mile military test!
This is phenomenal. Thank you Andrew.
Ron Fox
Trail Runner, Marathoner
I've been running for 20 years, and I've read them all - Pfitzinger, Daniels, Higdon, etc. After reading so many books, I was skeptical if there was any new information out there.
Then I ran into this book, and took a change. WOW! Was it an eye opener. This book will blow your mind.
Carlo Oller
Spartan Runner,
Last night I came home from a 10 hour shift in the ER and was feeling good physically so I decided to do a time trial and try to beat my 5K PR of 20:23. I finished in 19:57!
My first sub-20 5K. But I did this at 1AM after a whole day of being on my feet.
Before finding Run Elite, I couldn't go past 5.8 mph without my heart rate jumping above 140. But now I can run around 6.5 and my heart rate averages 138 - now that's objective progress!
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© Copyrights by Andrew Snow Coaching and Run Elite. All Rights Reseved.